Tuesday, September 25, 2007


We just finished up our "tour" at the 5-Lead Team Churches (see names and links on right side of page) that have teamed up to help us launch this new church. These churches and these pastors are truly my heroes. I only hope I can one day be as unselfish a leader as they are being by partnering on this thing.

I've also been blown away at the willingness of other churches to come along side of us in this project and cheer us on with their encouragement and significant financial support. God is definitely resourcing his church. God is up to something and we're along for the ride!

Just for fun... (a few church names/logos that didn't make the list)

(these are a few of the names of the Pastors of the LEAD Team churches)
Sorry guys, these didn't make the cut. Although feel free to use them for your own churches and communities. I'm sure they'll love 'em! Thanks for your partnership.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Location! Location! Location!

The following proposal was submitted to and approved by the Missionary Church Michigan Distrct, Church Multiplication Team!

crossing the JORDAN: Metro Detroit Church Plant
Date: September 11, 2007
To: Missionary Church Michigan District, Church Multiplication Team (CMT)
From: Josh Hossler, Metro Detroit Church Plant
Re: Church Plant Location Proposal

After much prayer, research, counsel, and deliberation, I am ready to request location approval for the Metro Detroit Church Plant.

The location that I believe God is calling me to, leading me to, and giving me a heart for is the Macomb Township area on the north side of Detroit. I have spent time driving around pretty much of the entire Metro Detroit area, praying the entire way, seeking God’s direction, asking for Him to give clarity to what He’s doing in Metro Detroit. Several areas seemed good to me, but God has given me a peace and clarity about Macomb Township unlike any other area.

While this area was also an area that others were interested in, I believe I have also arrived at this location independently. Initially I felt overwhelmed and intimidated by the Macomb Township area. But after spending more time there, God gave me a peace and even the beginnings of a heart and passion for the people there. The more I’ve “tested” this idea in prayer and with others, the more God has confirmed it to me.

There are many reasons why I believe this is the area God is calling me to. Its demographics match the kind of area I felt lead to plant in (rapidly growing, young professionals, suburban). I believe we’ll be a good fit for this area. There is little evangelical church presence here. I am sensing a strong heart and passion for the people in this area. And I have definitely sensed God’s leading and confirmation to this area.

Early on, when we sensed God calling us to be a part of starting this new church, I prayed, “God, help me!” God flipped that prayer to, “God, how can I help you? What are you doing in the Metro Detroit Area that you want to use my gifts and abilities for?” And since, I have sensed God saying to me, “Josh, this is what I am doing (Macomb Township). I want to use you to start this new church in Macomb.”

Sincerely In Christ,

Josh Hossler
Metro Detroit Church Planter
Office: 586.286.1472

Macomb Township, MI
Area: 36-Square Miles
Population: 75,000 (increased 49% from 2000)
Race: 95% White
Median Age: 34
Average Household Income: $95,000
Work Force: 65% White Collar; 35% Blue Collar
Married: 71%
Estimated Unreached: 50,000-60,000
Evangelical Churches: 3

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Big Meetings

One of the big components to launching this new church is the Metro LEAD Team. The Metro LEAD Team describes a great partnership between the Missionary Church Michigan District, 5-Metro Detroit Area Churches, and the new church plant. This team helps provide funding and resources to assist the new church as it begins. Churches currently part of the Metro LEAD Team: Calvary Missionary Church (Livonia), First Missionary Church (Clarkston), Parkside Community Church (Sterling Heights), Walled Lake Missionary Church (Walled Lake), and Warren Community Church (Warren).

I have spent the last two weeks speaking in two of the LEAD Team churches (Clarkston & Livonia) and getting to know the people there. It has been a great experience. All of the people have been very excited and supportive of what we're doing. Also, Tim & Julie Joye (and family!), who are partering with us, have also joined us at those churches. Please pray that God will begin to raise up people from all five of these churches that will join us in starting this new church.

Also, I have a series of big meetings coming up this week and next. One set of meetings is with the Metro LEAD Team and one is with the Michigan District's CMT (Church Multiplication Team). Both meetings will focus on determining and approving the target community for the church plant. This will be a great milestone and a critical detail to have nailed down. Pray for God's direction - we only want to go where God wants us!

I still believe God has big things in store and many lives will be forever changed!