Last Sunday night we held our first ever Evident 101, a basic introduction to Evident Church. This first one filled up in two weeks with handfuls of new people wanting to hear more about Evident, ask questions, and get plugged in. Our leaders shared the vision for what God has called us to be and then we opened it up for feedback and questions about who we are. What we heard over and over again was that from kid's ministries to guest services to setup to worship to preaching, people are being impacted by what God is doing. We're hitting our marks, doing what God has called us to do, which is to communicate a deep yet simple message of hope and renewal and salvation through Jesus Christ... AND IT'S WORKING!

I love what God is doing and where he is taking Evident. Things are going well and I don't begin to presume upon God, but I believe that this is something special. And as long as we keep our eyes rightly fixed in Christ I believe God will do amazing things through Evident. I'm believing big!
I want to brag on our team for just a minute. This past Sunday we had an amazingly talented group of young people lead worship for us and they did an awesome job. One of the band members, the drummer, made a four hour drive Sunday morning just to play with the band! After the worship service he found me and wanted to share some of his feedback. He went on to tell me that from beginning to end, top to bottom, he had experienced something amazing that day. He told me how welcomed he felt; he mentioned that he observed people who were excited about what they were doing; he mentioned at one point that he had at least seven people helping him set up his drum kit; he noticed the worship was full of life; and on and on and on he went. He wanted to pass this on to me and just say that what he experienced isn't normal and is truly special. From his perspective this kind of atmosphere is contagious and it wouldn't be long before we were packing the place out, moving walls and setting up more chairs. This is the kind of place God can use.
Team, YOU are doing an amazing job, it is off the charts! God gets any and all credit I know and fully believe that, but it is right to thank him and celebrate what He is doing through you. God has been so good! Awesome guys, KEEP IT UP!